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Young children of mixed races playing together outside on a sunny day with green grass

Authentic Public Montessori Schools for our Changing World


Mountain Juniper Montessori 

Aurora South - Potomac 

Primary (Prek3-Kindergarten) 



Mountain Juniper Montessori logo with mountains, sunset and juniper berries

The Sunflower School

Primary (PreK3-Kindergarten)

 Elementary (1st-3rd Grade)

Aurora North -

Sable Tech Center 

Meadow Rue Montessori

Aurora South - Potomac 

Elementary (1st- 4th Grade)

Meadow Rue logo_Stacked.png

Cactus Bloom Community School

Primary (PreK3-Kindergarten)

 Elementary (1st-4th Grade)

Grand Junction 

Logo for Cactus Bloom Community School with green cactus plants that have red cactus flowers blossoming

Serving preschool through elementary aged children in Aurora and the Grand Valley

Wildflower Montessori Public Schools of Colorado (WMPSC) are free, public charter schools that bring together community, family, and talented teacher leaders to give our children a personalized education in an engaging, safe and nurturing environment. WMPSC schools are members of the Wildflower Network: an ecosystem of decentralized Montessori microschools that support children, teachers, and parents. Wildflower aspires to give all children and families the opportunity to choose high-quality, beautiful learning environments as they follow life’s unfolding journey.

The needs of mankind are universal. Our means of meeting them create the richness and diversity of the planet. The Montessori child should come to relish the texture of that diversity.


- Dr. Maria Montessori

Young boy and girl of different races playing on a blue carpet with a globe puzzle
Young girl in pink shirt playing with a wooden sorting toy while seated at a wooden desk

Authentic Montessori Schools

The Montessori Method emerges from the belief that children are naturally good, peaceful and curious and that in the context of a supportive environment, all children engage instinctively in the work of self-construction. With appropriate freedoms and the right support, children follow their interests to create rich learning experiences, form peaceful communities, and support and learn from one another. We are dedicated to the preparation of environments and ourselves to support the development of children.

Intentionally Small Communities

As intentionally-small, community embedded learning environments, our schools allow us to serve every child and family in deep and meaningful partnership with their teacher leaders.

Young girl with long dark braids playing with a leaf sorting puzzle toy while kneeling on the floor
Young child sitting in a wooden chair at a wooden desk plays with an alphabet game

A Place for All

Wildflower Montessori Public Schools of Colorado admit students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.


Teachers in Wildflower Montessori schools lead the schools because they have the expertise and perspective to know what kids need. Since teachers work most closely with students, we believe they are best positioned to design and manage their students’ school environment and programs.

Young girl with long hair sits on a blue carpet and makes words with large wooden letters

Our Principles

As a member of the Wildflower network of schools, we are committed to the liberation of every human being, every community, and the human spirit, so that we may all live in harmony with our individual purpose and the world around us, free from oppression and able to follow life’s unfolding journey.

The Wildflower Schools Nine Principles describe critical ways that our schools bring our purpose, values and norms to life. They are not the only way a community could seek to pursue our purpose and live into these values and norms, but they articulate the choices we’ve made about what to collectively uphold and by extension the aspirations that define what it means to be a Wildflower school.


An Authentic Montessori Environment

providing a peaceful, mixed-age, child-directed environment

The Montessori Method emerges from the belief that children are naturally good, peaceful and curious and that in the context of a supportive environment, all children engage instinctively in the work of self-construction. With appropriate freedoms and the right support, children follow their interests to create rich learning experiences, form peaceful communities, and support and learn from one another. We are dedicated to the preparation of environments and ourselves to support the development of children.


A Laboratory for Innovation

committed to exploring new ideas and the ongoing, scientific study and improvement of our practice

Wildflower schools are committed to providing authentic Montessori environments for our students and at the same time keeping Dr. Montessori’s commitment to scientific pedagogy alive. In our work to continuously improve, we try new things, rigorously evaluate our efforts, learn from colleagues within and outside of Wildflower, and make adjustments as necessary. Because scientific observation is the foundation of the Montessori method, we seek to use modern technologies to extend and expand our teachers’ capacity for observation and documentation – without changing the concrete, experiential nature of the prepared environment.


An Attention to Beauty

cultivating a deep beauty in all things – in the design, culture and artistic expression within our school environments; in our interactions with one another; and in our relationship with ourselves

Dr. Montessori wrote that schools should be aesthetically engulfing and culturally enriching for children. Wildflower schools live into this through the choices we make about materials and fine art, interior designs that burst with beauty and communicate to children, teachers and families that they are valued, and by welcoming working artists as a part of the prepared environment. All of us – adults and children – explore and cultivate the beauty of our inner landscapes through mindfulness practices, and seek to carry that beauty into our relationships with each other.


A Teacher-Led School

committed to remaining small, non-hierarchical and responsive to the needs of children

Wildflower schools are 1-2 room schools with the faculty both teaching and administering the school. Wildflower teachers-leaders are partners and social entrepreneurs, responsible primarily to themselves and each other for every aspect of their school and its overall success. By preserving a small scale, teacher-leaders are able to make day-to-day decisions that respond to the needs of the children and school-wide decisions that express their own vision in the context of the needs of children, families and themselves.


A Seamless Learning Community

blurring the boundaries of home and school

Wildflower schools look for ways in which children’s home, school, and community environments can offer more seamless experiences, reflecting consistent perspectives on children’s development and engaging them as authentic contributors in each setting. We see our work as a partnership with parents and families: we value their wisdom, invite their engagement, and enthusiastically share with them our Montessori methods. Similarly, parents at Wildflower schools see their roles as active supporters of the schools and teacher-leaders, rather than its customers.


A Focus on Nature

emphasizing the nonseparation between nature and human nature

At Wildflower schools, we cultivate each child’s direct relationship with the natural world, by attending to and going out into the nature that surrounds us and by bringing abundant plant life into our schools so that children learn to care for their living environment. We limit each school’s physical footprint and minimize its impact on the environment, including through the choice of sustainable, nontoxic and earth-friendly materials whenever possible. We maintain nutritional standards that are earth-conscious and protect natural, healthful diets for children.



A Shopfront Setting

a neighborhood-nested school committed to working in partnership with the surrounding community to create an environment that is healthier for children

Wildflower schools sit in street-facing and accessible, light-filled spaces on walkable streets and invite community members visually into the daily work of children. They increase the presence of children and families in the community, as more narrow geographic focus supports walking to and from school, and by relying on public playgrounds, gardens and other civic spaces that would otherwise be on-site in larger institutions. We expand our definition of “stakeholders” beyond the families we serve directly, and we work to make our surrounding communities stronger and healthier for children.


A Commitment to Equity

working to create diverse, inclusive learning environments that work for justice as the foundation of peace

Wildflower schools exist within the context of the segregation and inequity of our communities and society, and where there is no justice, there can be no lasting peace. As Montessorians, we believe children’s unique capacity to adapt to their environment makes childhood the key to the long-term improvement of society and our greatest hope for a more peaceful world. We cultivate that capacity in schools that include people of different racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds and seek out ways to make our schools more accessible to all families; we celebrate diversity and foster inclusivity; and, we consider the unique opportunities and challenges facing every child and commit to giving each student what they need to find their purpose and fulfill their potential. We recognize the significance of this undertaking, and we work to transform ourselves, our school communities and our broader society to bring about our vision for justice and peace.


A Decentralized Network

advancing an ecosystem of independent wildflower schools that mutually support one another, and sharing our approaches openly for the benefit of all children

We seek to make Wildflower schools an option for children and families everywhere. As we grow, we benefit from an expanding community of learners and professionals working together, and the economic efficiencies that can arise from sharing resources. At the same time, we protect the autonomy of every teacher-leader and we resist the expansion of central-administration and authority. Each school sees itself as a node in a network, with substantial freedom in school-level decision-making and access to the resources of the network when those resources are useful and compelling to the school. Reciprocally, each school also sees itself as accountable to its neighbor schools and the broader Wildflower community, and responsible for supporting existing and future Wildflower schools. Finally, wherever possible, we make our materials, software and learnings available publicly, so that all schools can benefit from them, whether or not they are affiliated with Wildflower.


Wildflower Montessori Public Schools of Colorado logo with gold aspen leaf, red Indian Paintbrush, purple and white columbine and blue juniper berries with green leaves
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Wildflower Montessori Public Schools of Colorado is a nonprofit organization and does not discriminate by disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, language, religion, ancestry, need for special education services or any other protected class Furthermore, Wildflower Montessori Public Schools of Colorado admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletics and other school-administered programs. View WMPSC Non-Disrimination Policy here or see the harassment and discrimination policy here . To file a formal grievance, see policy here.  

Wildflower Montessori Public Schools of Colorado is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization

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